Don Morrison and Frank Olson [Edit]

Don Morrison and Frank Olson are a couple who were two of the major founders of New York City’s gay male leather scene.

In 1964 Frank Olson co-founded the Empire City Motor Club, New York City’s first gay male biker group.

In 1970 Frank Olson, Don Morrison, and Jack Mottica bought a bar they called The Eagle’s Nest, which became New York City’s leading gay male leather bar; they changed the name to The Eagle after a year due to learning how “Eagle’s Nest” was associated with the Nazis. Currently, many gay men’s bars use the name of The Eagle and are inspired by that bar.

Frank Olson and Don Morrison are also well-known for having hosted S/M parties in Fire Island and in their home in Manhattan.


Don Morrison and Frank Olson were inducted together into the Leather Hall of Fame in 2010.
