Boy Joey (Joe Watson) [Edit]

Boy Joey.
Boy Joey
Mr. Mayhem Leather 2017

Joe Watson, better known as Boy Joey, is an active member of the leather community since the early 2000’s, and is currently Mr. Mayhem Leather 2017.

Early Life

Boy Joey was born in West Palm Beach Florida in 1981 where he lived with his family. Boy Joey has 2 older brothers and 1 Younger. At an early age his family settled down to a small town in North Eastern PA called East Stroudsburg where he attended high school.

Boy Joey is a graduate of Lehigh University, where he holds a Bachelors Degree in Computer Science.

Finding Leather

Boy Joey was introduced to the leather world via some of the first online communities. The Pocono’s had little in the way of an organized leather community so Boy Joey looked to outside influences for guidance, falling into service to a local Master whom took an interest in his development, First as a uncollared submissive and leather earning an initial collar of protection.

Over the years Boy Joey would continue to grow in his understand of the leather culture.

Family Life

Boy Joey is is collared to his Sir Will. They live together in the Mid-Atlantic Region of the United States, but regularly travel together. Boy Joey has two adopted Children from a previous relationship both girls, 14 and 18 (as of 2019).

Mr. Mayhem Leather

In April of 2017, Boy Joey competed for the Title of Mr. Mayhem Leather 2017 and won. He was sashed on April 8th, 2017.

Boy Joey plans to continue the platform of inclusion that has been a corner stone of the title. He believes that leather isn’t really about the clothing you wear, or the people you know, but what you believe in your heart.

Boy Joey’s Primary platform is focused on creating an air of education helping the next generation to understand themselves and know that being into kink is really okay, that it doesn’t make your wrong and that there is nothing wrong with you.

Towards the end of his time as Mr. Mayhem Leather, Boy Joey went on to compete at MAL where is finished 4th, and is a member of the IML Class of 40 (2018).

He is also the current co-producer of the Mr. Mayhem Leather and Leather Bear contest which is held and one of the largest Leather and Bear Runs in the US, Bears Bikers and Mayhem, (as of 2019).

Producer of Mayhem Leather Contests

After completing his title year in 2018 Boy Joey, along with his title Brother Mr. Mayhem Leather Bear 2017, was asked to Co-Produce the Mayhem Leather Contests held each year at the annual Bears, Bikers, and Mayhem event (BBM).

The contest consists of two different Segments. Mr. Mayhem Leather which follows a more tradition advancement track, and the Mr. Mayhem Leather Bear which is more focused and centric towards the Bear Communities involvement in the Leather Community as a whole. Both are considered “entry level” contests which are technically invite preliminaries to regional or national level titles.

External References

Boy Joey on Facebook
Bear, Bikers, and Mayhem website

